It's still all mainly about the Melo (look whose picture is prominently placed at the top of this page!), and what we're in to, up to, and trying to do, and all of the other good bits in between.

September 02, 2006

Catch Up

Last week was the week of meeting new folks. All the folks at Jen & Cara's beautiful commitment ceremony (which was awesome and full of great hip-hop dancin', or booty-shaking as Cara puts it), meeting up with Michelle from (very fun, and I got a free tutorial on cables!! thanks Michelle), and my first book club with Chrissie (they were great - and none of my I'm-not-a-mom-yet fears were realized, and I actually read something that was not my usual Harry Potter or gawd-awful paranormal romance trash, which is okay to love (semi-secretly), but does not-let us say-demonstrate a high level of writing skills).

So, this Labor Day weekend is all about hanging out - we're headed up to the Mountain with Jeff and Melanie, then (can't wait!) game night/hanging out with Kev and Chrissie. Yes, Leina - don't worry, we're bringing Melo - she can't wait to see you and be tucked in with Green, or Pink.


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